Finding the best system that best fits your needs!
In collaboration with DCI Test System, US, PSV represent one of the best Petroleum Research Equipment manufacturer in the world. As an exclusive agent for our principal, we always give our best to market, promote, explore and research suitable opportunities for project of interest to our principal.
Our principal product include but not limited to Special Core Analysis, Routine Core Analysis, Rock Mechanics, VPA Syringe Pump, Fluid Properties and Accessories. For more details, please visit to our principal website, DCI Test System.
Special Core Analysis

Core flood systems are some of the most versatile lab equipment used in the oil and gas industry. Some of the many applications that a DCI core flood system can be used for include:
- EOR test and research
- Acidization Studies
- Water Flooding
- Formation damage test
- Relative permeability measurements
- Steady state permeability measurements
- Flow distribution in multi-layered reservoirs
- CO2 sequestration
- Diversion of stimulation fluids
- Stimulation studies
- Drilling mud invasion

Electrical Resistivity system
These systems are designed specifically to make electrical resistivity measurements on core samples at simulated reservoir conditions. Fully saturated core samples are gradually desaturated through porous ceramic plates. A constant differential pressure is applied until a saturation equilibrium point is achieved, and electrical resistivity is measured at that equilibrium point before moving to the next desaturation point. Once the drainage cycle described above has been completed, re-saturation can be accomplished by pushing brine back into the sample (imbibition), making the associated electrical resistivity measurements.

Rock Compressibility
The rock compressibility system is made up of a number of components that are integrated into a single system. We know that not all users need the same system, and the DCI rock compressibility system can be configured with the options that fit your testing requirements. Each aspect of the equipment can be configured to meet your needs.
For more information, visit our principal website here.

Acoustic Separator
The two phase acoustic separator consists of two precision bore tubes mounted vertically in a base connection block. One tube acts as a separation tube, where two immiscible fluids of different density separate due to gravitational forces. The second tube is the sensing tube where a meniscus between the two fluids is undisturbed by any flow in the separation tube. The higher density fluid communicates between the two tubes in the base connection block. The lower density fluid communicates through a similar connection block mounted to the top of the two tubes. An acoustic transducer mounted in the base of the sensing tube uses the reflection time of acoustic waves reflected from the meniscus between the two fluids to measure the volume of the higher density fluid in the separator. Proprietary data reduction techniques provide high accuracy, high resolution data.

custom-made SYSTEMs
Specialized Testing Needs
DCI knows that not every lab’s testing needs are the same. DCI prides itself in providing cost effective solutions that meet specific applications for a customer. We are committed to working with customers to provide exactly what they need!
Customizing Standard Equipment
DCI routinely takes our standard products and adds feature that the end user requires. DCI has the unique ability to add custom features and processes to all of our products. Because of DCI’s manufacturing capabilities and efficient engineering team, custom features are cost effective, getting the most out of your budget.
DCI’s 30 plus years designing and manufacturing lab equipment gives us the ability and know how to custom build any type of equipment. Our engineering and manufacturing staff prides themselves with providing quality, proven solutions.
For more information, visit our principal website here.

Whether you are building your own system or your current systems need an upgrade, individual components are often the answer. We have the components and accessories that can be easily integrated in any system. You can browse that tabs below to view some our most common components. Contact us if you have any application questions or need an accessory or component that is not shown.
- Core Holder – Quality stainless steel construction, and proven design.
- Accumulators/Fluid Separator – Affordable, quality, proven.
- Acoustic Separator/Two Phase Separator – Accurate and precise two phase fluid measurements.
- Steam Generator – High pressure, high temperature steam for EOR core floods.
- VPA Syringe Pump – Better quality, more features, and lower price.
- Automatic Pneumatic Valves – Fast acting, high temperature, high pressure, automated valves.
- Mixing Cylinder – Variable speed stirring accumulators.
- Glass Transfer Vessel – Easily fill hard to access accumulators.
- High Pressure Adjustable Depth Sight Glass – Maximum adjustability for viewing all fluid types.
- Gas Booster – Convenient system to boost and regulate gases.
- Automatic Back Pressure Regulators (ABPR) – Precision back pressure control.
- Custom Components – You dream it, we build it.
For more information, visit our principal website here.
Routine Core Analysis

Helium Porosimeter
The benchtop compact design of the helium porosimeter consist of sample chamber, reference volume, isolation valves, precision pressure transducer with digital display, and thermocouple with digital display. This device is capable of making measurement on various sized core samples.
For more information, visit our principal website here.

gas & liquid permeameter
Permeability of petroleum reservoir rock is one of the most influential parameter in determining production capabilities. This flow property based on Darcy’s Law is best characterized by conducting flow experiments. Accurate yet fast measurement of permeability is key to understanding any petroleum reservoir rock. Using DCI’s bench top steady state absolute liquid and gas permeameters users can quickly conduct permeability measurements on a number of samples in a short amount of time.
The quick and intuitive software allows for easy setup and pump control giving user feedback and plots on differential pressure and permeability.
There are many options available with the bench top system. We provide a wide range of pressure transducers, mass flow meters, pumps and back pressure regulators that work for almost every application. Systems can be specified with any core holder type and any sample size, see our core holder page for a complete listing.
For more information, visit our principal website here.

The DCI saturator is available in a number of different sizes to accommodate odd sizes cores or large quantities of core samples. The easy to use all in one system allows samples to be loaded in the vacuum/pressure chamber and be removed fully saturated. This eliminates having to move samples to multiple pieces of equipment to obtain full saturation.
The front panel is included with drain ports for easy cleaning/flushing of saturation fluid. This system was designed to be easy to use and easy to maintain, allowing researchers to focus on the more important aspects of core analysis.
For more information, visit our principal website here.

Dean Stark Apparatus
While the Dean Stark Apparatus is not on the cutting edge of new technology it is important to get a system that is well thought out and proven to work. DCI’s Dean stark apparatuses are composed of quality glass and designed with efficiency in mind. The graduated cylinder is accurate and precise. Contact us for details and a quote. Our systems can be manufactured with custom core size and graduated cylinder to fit the types of rocks you perform tests on.
For more information, visit our principal website here.
Rock Mechanics

triaxial rock mechanics systems
Ease of operation has a significant impact on every aspect of the success of a triaxial rock mechanics system. Ease of operation means that less training is required for an operator to become competent in conducting successful tests. It means that the system is safer because there is less chance of a safety problem due to operator error. Ease of operation results in quicker test turn around and more productivity from the system in terms of data produced. This can result in more accuracy of data because of the ease with which transducers are setup. Other features that add to the ease of operation include:
- A single hydraulic cylinder to raise and lower the lower closure of the test cell. This allows for rapid, smooth test cell closure.
- Test cell sliding closure is held in place by a reaction column. This eliminates the time consuming process of threading and unthreading bolted closures.
- Sample stack assembly is built directly on the lower test cell closure, where it is easily accessible to the technician.
- Clearly silk-screened schematics on pore pressure and confining pressure consoles.
Every user’s test is not the same and for this reason DCI has the ability to custom design a system that fits your exact test requirements. Call and talk to an engineer about how we can customize this system to fit your requirements and price point.
For more information, visit our principal website here.

poly axial load frames
Poly-axial load frames are designed to simulate reservoir conditions on large cubical samples. These systems are typically used to perform scaled hydraulic fracturing experiments to study the effect of stress state on shape and orientation of a fracture. Acoustic sensors can be used to monitor acoustic events during a fracture.
Some of the features of these systems includes:
- Hydraulic actuators apply stresses to five faces of the sample. Hydraulic actuators allow higher stresses and larger sample displacement than is possible with flatjack type loading systems.
- Multiple hydraulic actuators on a sample face allow the possibility of multiple stress zones across a sample face.
- Heating plates mounted immediately adjacent to the sample face allow the sample to be heated to reservoir conditions without exposing hydraulic actuator seals to excessive temperatures.
- LVDT’s monitor displacement of individual actuators.
- Instrumentation plates mounted around the sample allow acoustic or other transducers to be mounted in direct contact with the sample. This instrumentation plate arrangement allows the sample with instrumentation to be assembled outside the load frame, and then have the instrumented sample lowered into the load frame.
- DCI VPA syringe pumps provide automatic, computer-controlled stresses on the different sample faces. The stress control program allows the operator to program stress and temperature profiles for ramping the sample to reservoir conditions, or to change conditions during an experiment.
- DCI syringe pumps generate fluid pressure and flow to create the hydraulic fracture in the test block.
- A “Drill Thru Lid” assembly allows scaled bore holes to be drilled in the sample while the sample is under reservoir stress conditions. This drilling assembly is mounted on a magnetic base, and has a pendant control to allow the operator to control ROP and RPM.
- An optional pore pressure box allows the sample to be saturated with pore fluid, and allows pore pressure to be controlled during a test.
For more information, visit our principal website here.

custom-made SYSTEMs
Specialized Testing Needs
DCI knows that not every lab’s testing needs are the same. DCI prides itself in providing cost effective solutions that meet specific applications for a customer. We are committed to working with customers to provide exactly what they need!
Customizing Standard Equipment
DCI routinely takes our standard products and adds feature that the end user requires. DCI has the unique ability to add custom features and processes to all of our products. Because of DCI’s manufacturing capabilities and efficient engineering team, custom features are cost effective, getting the most out of your budget.
DCI’s 30 plus years designing and manufacturing lab equipment gives us the ability and know how to custom build any type of equipment. Our engineering and manufacturing staff prides themselves with providing quality, proven solutions.
For more information, visit our principal website here.

Rock Compressibility
The rock compressibility system is made up of a number of components that are integrated into a single system. We know that not all users need the same system, and the DCI rock compressibility system can be configured with the options that fit your testing requirements. Each aspect of the equipment can be configured to meet your needs.